Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Italy: Who will compete in Sanremo 2014?

Speculation is growing regarding who will compete in the 2014 edition of Sanremo. Apparently there are some big names in the mix!

It's possible Raphael Gualazzi and Enrico Ruggeri (both previous Italian representatives in ESC) will be back. Dolcenera, Max Gazzé and Annalisa are also heavily rumoured - but the name I'm most excited about is the fabulous Giusy Ferreri. She's one of my favourite Italian artists and it would be a dream to see her fly the Italian flag in Copenhagen. Some other names which are likely to compete include Noemi, Arisa and Roberto Dell'Era. I have also heard that Nina Zilli may be back - she could duet with Raphael Gualazzi.

The names will be revealed tomorrow afternoon! The newcomers were announced a few days ago, and they are...

  • (Antonio) Diodato - Babilonia
  • Filippo Graziani - Le cose belle
  • Rocco Hunt - Nu juorno buono
  • The Niro (aka Davide Combusti)  - 1969
  • Veronica De Simone - Nuvole che passano
  • Zibba (aka Sergio Vallarino)  - Senza di te
  • Bianca (aka Emma Fuggetta) - Saprai
  • Vadim (Valenti) - La modernitĂ 

Update - Nina Zilli has announced through her Facebook page that she won't enter Sanremo as she's too busy with her new album and other work projects. 

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